Acknowledgment of Country
I work as a therapist on Whadjuk Noongar land, also known as Perth, Western Australia (in the Walyalup/Fremantle area). Sovereignty of this land was never ceded, and as a white, non-Indigenous person, I acknowledge that I benefit from the brutal dispossession of Aboriginal people, and that colonisation is not just our history, it is a present day lived experience.

My Positionality
I am a white, able-bodied, middle class, pansexual cis woman and mum.
My Approach
I strive to be anti-oppressive, and understand that my privileges leave me with blind spots that I will continue to try to understand. While my formal training is in psychology, I understand that we are all much more than diagnoses, and that we adapt to and resist experiences of oppression and trauma in order to survive in many different painful and incredible ways.

I believe that the most important aspect of therapy is a warm, validating, collaborative, therapeutic relationship that is deeply respectful of you as a person.

I prioritise working with relationships and people of diverse and marginalised sexualities, genders, bodies, relationship structures and neurotypes. I think that your particular mind and experiences are unique, and need to be seen and understood, without being pathologised, in order for you to use therapy to grow in the ways that matter to you.